


国际足联主席詹尼·因凡蒂诺在印度尼西亚与 G20 领导人共进午餐时表示,每月一次的世界锦标赛已经在卡塔尔开始。提供了一个独特的和平平台。








来自巴西、德国、阿根廷、法国、西班牙、日本、塞内加尔、2022卡塔尔世界杯哥斯达黎加和沙特阿拉伯的 32 位历届锦标赛冠军将参加 64 场比赛。





巴黎人在周六以 2-1 击败克莱蒙特的朗斯领先两分开始了比赛。比雷恩少5分。

梅西在杯中尝到了荣耀的滋味。去年,阿根廷有望自 1986 年以来首次赢得世界杯冠军。


比赛将于 11 月 20 日开始,东道主卡塔尔和厄瓜多尔将进行一场比赛。



世界杯帆船赛 利物浦的南美前锋达尔文·努涅斯和罗伯托·菲尔米诺在周三的世界杯前最后一场比赛中出演了利物浦 3-1 战胜南安普顿的英超联赛。

布莱顿和霍夫阿尔比恩成功超越阿斯顿,而利物浦的胜利让他们在 14 场比赛中得到 22 分排名第六。维拉在15场比赛中得到12分,2022世界杯时间与第19位的南安普顿战平。

本周被排除在巴西世界杯阵容之外的菲尔米诺在第 6 分钟将安迪·罗伯逊的任意球头球破门,帮助利物浦取得领先。

南安普顿紧随其后,切亚当斯在新任主教练纳塔的带领下从詹姆斯沃德普劳斯的传中攻入了球队的第一个进球。 N.琼斯

乌拉圭努内斯在第 21 分钟通过 19 岁的中场哈维·埃利奥特的传中,恢复了利物浦的领先优势。

当这名前锋在 6 月从本菲卡加盟利物浦时,他支付了 9500 万欧元(9834 万美元)。第二个进球比正常时间晚了三分钟。世界杯2022赛程时间表他非常了解罗伯逊。




詹姆斯·米尔纳第 600 次替补出场,成为继瑞恩·吉格斯、加雷斯·巴里和弗兰克·兰帕德之后第四位这样做的球员。

– 这是一个很大的数字,不是吗? 36 岁的米尔纳说,这令人难以置信,“已经很久了。”

利物浦后卫特伦特·亚历山大-阿诺德在上周 2-1 击败托特纳姆热刺队后很高兴能够加强他的球队。这是在输给诺丁汉森林和利兹联之后。

– 我以不同的方式开始了这个赛季。有点失望,这个联赛的好成绩和稳定性。而我们本赛季还没有证明这一点。上周取得了巨大的成功。我们将在本周末进行审查,”他说。

南安普顿在琼斯的带领下首次亮相。在周日以 4-1 击败纽卡斯尔后,拉尔夫·哈森赫特尔被解雇后,卢顿城从乙级联赛中降级。这是本赛季联赛的第八场失利。






– 上半场很热。拜仁中场基米希表现出色,开场28分钟打进4球。
Jamal Musierra 德国球迷希望在本月的世界杯上取得同样的成功。第6分钟,他将球带入禁区,顶住对手左脚踢飞。他表现出惊人的镇静。



埃里克·马克西姆·乔波-莫廷在第 17 分钟转换任意球,在 6 分钟内打进 3 球。

格纳布里在第 22 分钟打入一粒精彩的进球,四分钟后德国的莱昂·戈雷茨卡紧随其后。

格纳布里在 28 日打进了他的第二个进球。由于 Leroy Sane 的精彩助攻,云达未能在中场阻止拜仁。


格纳布里的帽子戏法是他在所有比赛中连续第六次上演帽子戏法,他在第 82 场比赛中上演了四次,帮助他们击败云达,而法国国脚马蒂·斯蒂尔在另外两场比赛中为拜仁拿下 6 分。几分钟后——九胜。

拜仁在今天与莱比锡的比赛中领先第二名弗莱堡 32022世界杯时间1 分。联赛将于6月26日对阵奥格斯堡。



“有时我会心烦意乱,但我想,‘好吧,我是本西蒙斯,’你知道吗?有一天,有一段视频,一个气球在公园里飞起来。10 个人,一些气球的照片。所以人们看一个片段。试着做任何事情。Ben 看起来不是那样的。[这个或那个]你认为我每枪都吹?不是真的。但你必须有坚韧的皮肤。我理解,但我完全”你不能想当然。这是社交媒体,”他补充说。

尽管西蒙斯在 10 月 3 日对阵 76 人队,这是篮网队在巴克莱中心举行的唯一一场季前赛,但乔尔·恩比德和詹姆斯·哈登都没有参加那场比赛。篮网在威尔斯造访 76 人队。法戈中心 11 月 22 日,西蒙斯期待下个赛季。

“我迫不及待地想要到达那里,是的,但对我来说,这取决于我的经验和我的学习情况。”对我来说,我可以学到以前从未经历过的东西。我从来没有和我被交易到的球队打过球。凯夫有气,大多数人都有气。但我从来没有遇到过这种情况。你必须克服它。 Key在回到波士顿时打得并不好,但他打得很多。我们也是人。西蒙斯告诉 ESPN,我们想去那里证明他们是错的。

西蒙斯在 76 人队打了四个赛季,在 2016 年获得了选秀权。第一顺位。在那里,他成为了全明星和精英后卫。然而,这是他在球队职业生涯中最艰难的时刻之一。西蒙斯承认他从未与前全明星队友乔尔·恩比德交谈过。


最新 NBA 新闻:费城 76 人队的本·西蒙斯和乔尔·恩比德观看了 NBA 东部半决赛对阵亚特兰大老鹰队的第一场比赛。


尽管西蒙斯只出现在篮网队的季前赛中,但他在周三对阵密尔沃基雄鹿队的比赛中对阵字母哥的防守表现令人印象深刻,因为球队最年长的成员西蒙斯与希腊怪胎进行了 6 对 21 比赛。防守可以在五个位置改变。西蒙斯网络可以在组合中提供显着的保护优势。球队有足够的三分射手来增加进攻能力。不要指望他能和凯文杜兰特和凯里欧文一起得分。

“我得到了这些人、培训人员、组织的支持,所以现在我要出去工作……我在家。”西蒙斯对 ESPN 说,来这里工作很正常。世界杯2022赛程时间表



2022 年金州勇士队的德雷蒙德·格林于 10 月 13 日在加利福尼亚州旧金山出席新闻发布会。

金州勇士队德雷蒙德格林周四重返训练场。据 ESPN 报道,在场上一周后,队友乔丹普尔因脑震荡而缺阵。

10 月 5 日,格林在接近媒体的训练课上面对普尔。根据 TMZ 发布的视频,格林撞到了游泳池并撞到了墙上。他咄咄逼人地接近普尔。普尔回答道。然后果岭击中了他。格林为自己的行为道歉并被罚款。

“我们谈到了我们必须做些什么才能继续前进。是的,格林说。 – 不要沉迷于过去。





“这是为了确保我们团队的友情是正确的,”格林说。 “你看到你和一个团队一起打球,他们有很好的友情……否则它很容易分崩离析。你可以让任何事情发生[不是我们的亲密关系]。”

截至2012年,他为勇士队效力了九个赛季。第35顺位入选,格林场均8.7分6.9篮板5.4助攻1.4抢断1盖帽。上个赛季,他的进攻变得更糟了。然而,他有潜力在季后赛中作为一名优秀的后卫做出贡献。他目前为期四年、价值 9970 万美元的合同还剩两年。与勇士队的1000万美元合同将于2023年夏天到期

普尔将在 2021-22 赛季完成他在勇士队的第三个赛季。为国家队场均贡献18.5分4助攻。他成为了球队常规赛的第二顺位。然而,他的防守弱点在季后赛中暴露无遗。普尔正处于与勇士队第一份合同的最后一年,预计他的合同将延长至 10 月 17 日。2022年国际足联





作为一名身高 1.98 米的大前锋,克劳德在他的位置上身材矮小。除了防守和投三分外,他的运动能力也不是很强。然而,克劳德 106 公斤的体重、强壮的下肢和被低估的力量让他成为了在字母哥进入油漆区之前减缓他速度的完美绊脚石。


54 Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas on her behalf

V-Day is just about the area: Wow the girl With One of These nice Gifts

The AskMen article staff thoroughly researches & reviews the greatest gear, solutions and basics forever. AskMen might get compensated should you decide click a link in this post and buy a product or service or solution.

Valentine’s is a holiday that generally seems to come with prescribed gift suggestions: several reddish roses, an elegant meal away, delicious chocolate, together with perfect love letter inscription in a greeting card. While we like the thought of honoring, really … really love, there are a number of alternate gifting solutions that believe a bit more private and thoughtful.

RELEVANTValentine’s Gifts for Him

Whether you are in a connection or you’ve already been with your boo for some time, V-Day is actually just about every day to ruin your girl with gifts that truly echo what she loves and what you love about their. To simply help get you started with a far more private method to romantic days celebration gifting, we have curated a variety of gift ideas, from the luxe to your nostalgic into the useful because occasionally, getting an item you truly need will be the sexiest thing ever before.

Plus don’t be concerned in the event the budget’s experiencing some light post-holiday period. We have integrated a range of price things to make sure your budget stays on the right track.

Just remember: Unlike Easter and Thanksgiving, valentine’s doesn’t change from season to year. Mark February 14 in your diary and terminate that tuesday evening casino poker game.

Most useful valentine’s presents for Her

Mithras Drop Earrings

Every lady requires a set of statement earrings. These enamel and sterling silver-dipped metal beauties are no exception to this rule. Lightweight and bold, she will set all of them with almost any look.

$105 at

‘Modern Love, Revised and changed’ – Daniel Jones

Whether she binged viewed Amazon Prime’s “Modern admiration” sets upon their launch or she is yet to see it, she will put more than every page with this at times touching, humorous and tear-jerking compilation. It has the best essays from past 15 years in the NYT’s contemporary like column, such as the eight featured for the online streaming collection. 

$12.82 at


The present of a newly ready dinner is hard to beat. Once you know the Valentine provides a busy schedule in advance, then get lots off her dish and shock their with a Freshly membership? All you have to carry out is select an eating plan and – when she redeems it – recently will be sending the girl a package of the woman chosen dinners. Ready for eating.

P.S. Get $60 off the first four instructions ($15 per purchase) of Freshly with code LAUNCH15.

Get more info at

Atelier Paulin 14K cardio (RED) Bracelet

Not merely is this center bracelet from Atelier Paulin extremely stylish, special and on-theme when it comes to occasion at hand, what’s more, it aids an excellent cause. Handshaped in Ny and featuring 14 karat silver and an adjustable yellow strap, it feels as though a one-of-a-kind sort portion, and 30 percent of the suggested retail price visits the worldwide Fund to fight HELPS with (RED).

$135 at 

Herbivore Botanicals Jasmine Body Oil

Give their epidermis a lift from the harsh aftereffects of cold temperatures with this specific jasmine human anatomy oil from Herbivore Botanicals. It is all natural and completely vegan, and she will love the light scent and hydrating attributes.

$44 at

We-Vibe Chorus few’s Vibrator

Spice circumstances up this V-Day making use of the gift from the We-Vibe Chorus. Full of numerous attributes being entirely customizable, you two can choose the ambiance that is best suited for your thing. As well as for those who work in long-distance relationships, the We-Vibe is securely managed from a distance, also.

$199.99 at

Corkcicle Champagne Flutes

Toast to enjoy regarding 14th with your modern-day stainless-steel champagne flutes. Obtained the advantage of getting shatterproof and easy to hold, but will additionally hold bubbly completely chilled.

$19.95 at

Winc Subscription

In the find a present that’s functional yet indulgent, wine is the response. From soothing evenings aware of the woman main squeeze (aka you) to dinner functions because of the ladies, it is usually handy to possess a number of great wine bottles available. Through Winc, she’ll get four wine bottles on a monthly basis, all focused to fit the woman style.

Find out more at

Vitruvi Diffuser

Diffusers are the craze today and valid reason. Outstanding diffuser provides a calming vibe, hydrates the air, provides a light scent, and holds the residential properties of an important petroleum to the bedroom. Not only a fairly face, this diffuser from Vitruvi can work for up to 7 several hours and features and automatic turn-off setting. 

$119 at

Metropolitan Stems Flowers

Yes, flowers are a cliché Valentine’s Day gift, but that doesn’t mean she will not enjoy them. Whether you desire a traditional bouquet of roses, sophisticated orchid or a sweet atmosphere place, Urban Stems is the place commit. Quickly to purchase, usually new and wonderfully positioned – it’s not possible to go awry.

Use the code: Valentine15 for 15 per cent off your own purchase.

Get the full story at

Ugg Tasman Slippers

Help the lady start up her V-Day in comfort using these UGG slippers. Layered with UGGPure moisture-wicking wool that feels and wears like shearling, and featuring a sturdy sole, she will be able to put on these slippers in-and-out of your home.

From $59.95 at

RELEVANT:  Affordable Valentine’s Day Gifts for Her


A great concert knowledge is one thing she’s going to recall for life. Whether she is exactly about Shawn Mendes or she’s into heavy metal and rock, absolutely certain to end up being a concert up the woman street on StubHub. 

Get the full story at

Maison Margiela Perfume Set

No issue if she is in search of something spicy and sensual for night out, or new and feminine for brunch using the girls, this Maison Margiela scent ready has a scent to suit the affair. 

$108 at

Womanizer Pro 40

A modern accept the traditional masturbator, the 100 % water resistant Womanizer boasts six various power amounts, branded delight air innovation for touchless pleasure and four-hours of battery life. Think about your Valentine’s Day programs generated.

$79 at

Burgundy Fox Lingerie Subscription

If you are looking supply her a sexy gift for V-Day but you’re hesitant to choose lingerie yourself, go with Burgundy Fox. After she – or you, on her account – requires a mode test, Burgundy Fox will curate an array of intimate apparel to suit her flavor. You’ll select the package become a one-time thing, or signal the lady upwards for a monthly registration.

Learn more at

G.Nite Bedtime tub Soak

If your own Valentine is actually group Bath, elevate their night ritual with these bedtime shower salts. Featuring Australian sandalwood and valerian root, this bath soak is supposed to loosen up the human body and simplicity tension. Plus, they truly are Gwyneth Paltrow-approved.

$35 at

Leah Alexandra Isabel Pearl Necklace 

A simple and delicate standard is always a sure means of revealing the love. This portion’s petite pearls and gold-filled sequence provide a contemporary take on the pearl necklace every woman should possess.

$95 at

Veuve Clicquot Brut Yellow Label

If you’re nevertheless in the early days of the commitment, and you’re not exactly sure where you stand with regards to valentine’s gift-giving, picking right on up a nice container of bubbly to enjoy together is a safe choice. 

And in case you’re looking in order to make a larger splash, choose the wine flutes above to go along with it. 

From $55.97 at

Out-of-print – Banned Books Matches

Cute and economical, these suits will hit an ideal chord are available V-Day. With every millionaire match dating sites situation built to look like a classic publication, from “dark Beauty” to “Fahrenheit 451,” normally ideal for the woman whom likes lighting effects a candle and curling with a great book.

$22.99 at

Parachute affect Cotton Robe

A great gown is an activity she may not think to buy for herself, but as soon as this lady has it, she will ask yourself exactly how she lived without it. This gown from Parachute is manufactured in Turkey from 100 percent Turkish thread, which makes it both breathable and comfy. And for a supplementary $25 you’ll be able to customize it with a monogram.

$99 at

‘Delish Insane Sweets’ – Joanna Saltz

Consider this a gift for of you. Featuring a lot more than 100 cooked good meals, starting from traditional cookies such as snickerdoodle to distinctive treats such as Moscow Mule cupcakes, this cookbook offers apparently endless desert determination. 

$15.99 at

Matching MeUndies Set

A practical gift and passionate motion everything in one, you cannot fail with a coordinating MeUndies arranged. With women’s sets obtainable in cheeky quick, swimsuit, kid short, or thong (all fashioned with MeUndies supersoft MicroModal textile) and many colors and images to pick from, picking out your own ready is actually half the enjoyment. 

Find out more at

Wine Decanter

If this woman isn’t using a wine decanter, nowis the time and energy to begin. Not just does a decanter allow the wine to inhale — therefore, boosting the taste — it seems awesome stylish when guests come more than. This model is made of 100 percent lead-free crystal glass and was made to carry a general 750 mL container.

$49.95 at

Homesick Candle

Scents possess wonderful capability to move the body and mind to a different some time spot completely. Particularly when the fragrances tend to be from a Homesick candle. From city aromas like Dallas and Denver to minutes like First Kiss and prefer, there’s a candle to fit any event or location.

$29.95 at

ASSOCIATEDLast-Minute Valentine’s Day Gift Suggestions on her

Mark and Graham Monogrammed Passport Case

Grand vacation strategies on the horizon? Get the girl prepped your adventure with a monogrammed passport instance. Available in a wide range of tones, you are certain to select the one which claims “her.”

From $59 at

Brooklinen Luxe Core Sheets Set

Let’s be truthful, the very best V-Day parties take place between the sheets, so why not increase the experience with a buttery-smooth new-set?

$129 at

Train beauty Case

You can’t take too lightly the energy of outstanding toiletry case. Whether in her own suitcase, inside her fitness center case or on restroom countertop, this cosmetic situation will make sure the woman makeup products and cosmetic basics remain safe and secure.

$75 at

Smooth Ritual Set

Bring some ambiance to her cosmetic ritual using this set from Soft. Featuring a hydrating water mask, a collection of matches and big money of palo santo, this ready will leave the woman skin feeling replenished and ward out any poor energy.

$42 at

Le Creuset French Press

Coffee and Le Creuset = a match manufactured in paradise. Whether she likes cappuccino or regular coffee, she will do everything because of this French push. Along with several color choices, you can pick the one that best suits the lady flavor.

$69.95 at

Aesop give Balm

Her hard-working arms need the same TLC as the woman gentle mouth. Aesop really does that well using this light ointment made entirely with 100% natural ingredients that’ll leave the woman hands smelling and experiencing wonderful.

$36.72 at

Polaroid Snap Touch Camera

Whoever said movie was dead obviously hasn’t seen the Polaroid breeze. Polaroid’s spin on the classic digital camera is an excellent method for her to fully capture recollections on valentine’s and beyond.

$69.99 at

Plush cardio Lounge Set

If the V-Day programs contains soothing in the home from the chair collectively, assist this lady gown your celebration. This heart-printed PJ set is on-theme without getting kitschy, and contains the ideal balance of cute and comfy.

$89.99 at


Meet Birchbox, the registration service that curates an array of beauty products on her monthly and vessels them right to her door. Not only can she think of you each and every time her package shows up, what you need to carry out is actually enter the woman address along with your charge card info for repayment. Effortless and considerate? In which do we sign up? Designed for 3-, 6- or 12-month volumes.

Find out more at

lululemon Reversible Yoga Mat

Whether she actually is a yogi or the woman quality for all the new year is always to extend more regularly, assist the girl exercise the woman techniques in comfort. Lululemon, regarded as by many to-be the mecca of yoga equipment, provides this reversible mat that provides additional padding for all the hips and sides.

From $68 at

Airbnb Experiences

The same people who delivered you special vacation homestays today offer a variety of super enjoyable encounters within own backyards. From shows to courses, tours to tastings, this will be an out-of-the-box method to give the gift of an experience which you and your woman can discuss together.

Get more info at

RELATED: Most Readily Useful Precious Jewelry on her

Dyson Hair Dryer

Prepare to blow her away on Feb 14 because of this top-of-the-line hand blower. Offering the same criterion of quality clients have found in Dyson’s vacuums and air purifiers for a long time, this hand blower leaves her hair experiencing full and rejuvenated after each and every usage. Yes, it’s high priced. However it will last for many years.

$399.99 at

Adidas Ultraboost Sneakers

If your lady enjoys kicks or is a style maven generally, then she’s going to love the present of Adidas UltraBOOST shoes. The Primeknit upper offers a snug, sock-like match even though the main offers comfort and help.  

From $88.64 at

Slide Silk Pillowcase

Give her sleep program an increase with this Slip 100 percent silk pillowcase. From avoiding aging signs to maintaining a blowout fresh immediately, this infant brings brand-new meaning towards phrase beauty sleep.

$79.99 at

Mouse click & develop Smart Garden

here is a present you could possibly be thinking about obtaining two of — One on her behalf and another for yourself. Believe you once we state it is going to help you produce it through extended, cool winter. This Simply click & Grow product boasts everything needed seriously to grow herbs year-round, from perfect and basil to rosemary and parsley.

$99.94 at

lululemon Warmth repair Sherpa Pullover

Just know, as soon as you provide their this sherpa pullover, she will never should to take wax off. Built with company and vacation commutes at top of brain, it features convenient pockets from the sides and a comfortable oversized neck.

$148 at

Saje Pocket Farmacy

Whether she’s trying to chill out and unwind after a busy day or relieve her muscle tissue after a powerful exercise course, this group of crucial oils from Saje is here to help. Featuring five natural acrylic combinations, in a convenient roller structure, this equipment makes it easy to keep a wellness regimen while on the move.

$65 at

Mazama Spirit container 

update at-home mixology program with this particular effortlessly snazzy heart package. Hand-blown from long lasting soda-lime glass in Portland, Oregon, this is the method of present she could hold for life. 

$80 at

The Face Shop Sheet Masks

They might freak you out, but she really likes all of them. Whether she’s getting hydration or nutrition, this set of 10 sheet masks features every little thing she demands for weeks of house day spa days.

$17.40 at

‘Icons: 50 Heroines’ – Micaela Heekin 

Your favorite heroine deserves a coffee-table guide that keeps up. Featuring colourful portraits of everybody from Michelle Obama to Dolly Parton, this publication will act as an aesthetically pleasing inclusion to her area and a source of determination. 

$24.95 at


When it comes to picking out the great Valentine’s Day present for her, relationship usually wins. If she’s about capturing and revealing your own memorable minutes as one or two on the ‘gram, then come back the sentiment with many long lasting designs for her pad.

Discover more at

Atlas java Subscription

Perk the interest of Valentine with a coffee registration, providing distinctive roasts from throughout the world. Monthly, she’s going to get a brand new 12-ounce case of newly roasted coffee beans/or grinds, in addition to a postcard from its location plus some preparing tips. 

Discover more at

 ZO® body wellness Firming Serum

If she loves good cosmetic regimen, you simply can’t not work right together with the gift of top-of-the-line firming serum. This Firming Serum from  ZO® Skin wellness besides seems incredibly sleek resistant to the epidermis, however it renders the facial skin shining and hydrated.

$235 at

Mast Brothers Chocolate Signature Collection – 6 Bars

Far beyond the pharmacy assortment, this luxury Mast Brothers Chocolate set is the ideal treat for your sweetie. With flavors such as coffee and almond butter, she will use every bite and hopefully discuss slightly, also.

$40 at

Few Dance Classes

Trying to guide away from gifting â€˜stuff’ this season? Choose an experience present. You could be reluctant to check out dancing classes in the beginning, but when you two get into a rhythm, you are guaranteed to delight in tackling the salsa, meringue and a lot more – while operating upwards a-sweat. The Arthur Murray school has actually several products to select from at studios across the nation.

Discover more at

Wonderboom 2 water resistant Bluetooth Speaker

For the gal who likes to destroy it within the bath, these speakers enable this lady to expand the woman arsenal without hesitation. Completely waterproof (IPX7 standing) however very useful, this speaker can go from the woman bed room to your restroom without difficulty. The 13-hour life of the battery doesn’t hurt possibly.

$99.99 at

Mentor Rainbow cardio Ring

If you intend to provide your own gf a non-engagement band on V-Day make sure it does not take a look proposal-esque. This design from Coach features a sweet yet lively ambiance – going to make correct feeling. 

$75 at

Society6 Moontime II wooden Wall Mural

If you are considering a distinctive valentine’s gift, look absolutely no further. This mathematical timber wall structure mural will provide their pad a stylish update and advise the woman of you each and every time she spies it.

$179.99 at

Brand new Balance Heatgrid Hoodie

Layered under additional pieces or worn out unicamente, this New Balance hoodie will dsicover the lady through even the majority of difficult workout. Completely made for a backyard sweating sesh, it maintains heating while dealing with water.

$44.99 at

Back once again to the Roots Water Garden

Who demands a bouquet of flowers when there are aquariums that dual as planters? In the place of offering her something will wilt within a few days, consider providing the woman this water yard. Somewhat greenery and an innovative new scaly friend are just exactly what she needs to cope with other cold season.

$95.75 at

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